Friday, July 5, 2013

What is in my 15lbs Pack?

Hey Everyone!!

Me almost at the summit of Mt. Adams in the White Mountains, NH (5,799ft)
Backpacker Chick here.  Back with a blogging vengeance after a month of backpacking in New England. Today I wanted to write about my success cutting the weight of my pack in half.

Through a careful inventory of my gear and by buying ultralight products when necessary, I have gotten my pack-weight down to around 15lbs!!

I hope this list can serve as a guide for new backpackers learning what to carry with them on the trail and for experienced backpackers looking for ways to trim down their loads.  The links I provide are to the exact products I use.  I recommend everything I link to but please leave a comment if you want to know more about a particular product.

Here is EVERYTHING I carry in my pack:
  • Camping Gear:
    1. Ultralight Sleeping Bag (REI Ingeo 2lbs 1oz)
    2. Sleeping pad  (REI Stratus- 25oz)
    3. Tarp Tent & 6 stakes (GoLite Shangri-La 2 1lbs 9oz)
      • Only use bug net in high bug season
  • Cooking
    1. Ultralight Backpacking Stove (MSR Pocket Rocket
    2. Fuel
    3. Small Ultralight Pot (second-hand, brand unknown)
    4. Long Plastic Spoon (REI
      • Eat from pot and bring plastic bowel for +1
  • Essentials 
    1. Med Kit (Small)
    2. Head Lamp
    3. Travel Sized Sunscreen (put in lightweight bottle)
    4. Travel Sized Bug Repellent 
    5. Travel Toothbrush and Toothpaste
    6. Travel Brush (optional)
    7. Travel Sized Hand Sanitizer
    8. Bug Net 
    9. 2 Water Bottles
    10. Bandanas
    11. Water Purification Tablets
    12. Lethermen Folding Knife
  • Food
    • Travel sized and dehydrated options
    • Be smart, creative, and think "ultralight"
    • This requires an entire post to itself

Very Simple.  The rest is on my person.
Hope this helps and I welcome suggestions to lighten my load even more!

Happy Trails,
Backpacker Chick


Monday, July 1, 2013

Backpacking the Cutler Coast Public Reserve Lands in Maine

Wow! What a wonderful place! Any outdoor lover in the area should definitely check out the Cutler Coast Public Reserve Lands in the "down east" region of Northern Maine.  It is one of the last remaining and largest stretches of undeveloped coastline in Maine and is the perfect place for a spectacular and secluded day hike or one-two night backpacking trek.

Levi and I came across the Cutler Coast after spending the weekend in Acadia National Park.  We had a great time in Acadia (and I recommend the western side of the island for those who like to beat the crowds) but we left feeling the need to explore the coast of Maine from an area that was a little bit more secluded and wild.  Our experience at Cutler Coast was unforgettable and the views rival that of Acadia's (plus we only saw five hikers throughout our entire two day trek).  

Views from the trail. Credit: Levi Marcus (blog co-author)

If you choose to traverse the area, here are some tips and recommendations from my experience backpacking the area in June 2013.  Below I also provide links to the resources I used to help plan the trip. 

1) Hike the Coastal Trail

Me taking in the view on the Coastal Trail
There are only a couple of trails to choose from in the Cutler Coast area and the Coast Trail is by far the defining feature of this wilderness area.  While the wooded trails are also very beautiful, you will defiantly want to incorporate the Coastal Trail as the main event in your hiking itinerary.  Hike a mile from the packing area to find the trail heads.  Once you're on the Coastal Trail, hike another mile through the woods and you will soon reach one of the most breathtaking and magnificent coastlines in all of Maine.  The trail will continue along this wonderful coastline for the next 4 miles (roughly) and there will be plenty of opportunities to explore the cliffs, beaches, and vistas from the trail.

Me, again, traversing a rugged pebble beach. Absolutely amazing!
While the Coastal Trail is not very long (roughly 5 miles total) it seems a lot longer because you will stop frequently to take in the views and explore the many cliff and beaches along the way.  It is also somewhat challenging due to the rocking footing and frequently hills.  Levi and I had allotted the usual amount of time (1mile/hr) to complete this hike and we ended up feeling rushed to get to our camp before sundown.  

2) Backpacking Loop: Coastal Trail to Inland Trail

The way this area is designed, it is ideal for a one night stay taking the Coast/Inland Trails loop.  Each trail is roughly five miles long, though the Coastal trail took us an entire afternoon while the Inland trail took only about two hours.  Backpackers are required to stay at one of the three campsites, all of which are located at Ferry's point where both the Coastal and Inland Trails end. You could take either trail to get to the campsites, but we chose to do Coastal on our first day and Inland on our second day.  The campsites are a quarter mile apart and consist of a flat area for your tent/shelter and an outhouse facility.  You can stay at the site for more than one night if you want, but Levi and I were happy with just the one.

A note for hardcore backpackers: Do not be dissuaded by the shortness of the trails- the wildlife and panorama views are clearly the antithesis of this area, plus the extra time provided us with time to drive two and from the reserve (Levi and I made it all the way to the White Mountains in NH after finishing our second day of hiking by 1pm)

This was pretty nerve wracking to me as we made the two hour drive into the middle of no where to begin our hike.  Once we got to the trail head however, we were able to check out the visitor log to see how many people were planning to spend the night.  We got to our campsite at 6pm, which is pretty late for us, and only one other couple was there.  The place is overall pretty deserted (thankfully and surprisingly) so you shouldn't have a problem getting a sight for the night.    

3) Try to Get the Second Camp Site

Coming from the Coastal Trail, the first campsite is just okay.  The outhouse is right next to the tent area (gross) and it is pretty small.  The second campsite is AWESOME but the other couple had beaten us to it.  It is perched on a wooded cliff overlooking to coast with a spectacular view.  Didn't get a great look at it but we would have stayed there if it wasn't occupied. The third site, where we stayed, was also amazing, but didn't have a view.  We were roughly 30 feet from the rocky coast and we had plenty of cool places to explore and eat our dinner from as we watched the sun set.  Just amazing!

4) VERY IMPORTANT:  Bring Plenty of Water!!! 

There are very few fresh water sources in the Cutler area and it was difficult to find a place to fill up.  Levi and I ended up finding a dark pond near our campsite, which (thankfully) wasn't stagnant.  The water was pretty brown though and the trip is so short we could have brought enough water to avoid the situation. If convinced myself the water was only brown because it was stained from the leaves, but who knows, and we boiled AND purified that stuff!  Avoid if possible.

5) MISC:

  • Bugs were pretty bad but tolerable if you're prepared (See previous post for instructions)
  • Wear long pants- there is lots of high brush
  • The weather is unpredictable and rapidly changing- be prepared for everything
  • The air is too moist to dry wet clothing in- best to bring extra shirt if you sweat a lot or dry in sleeping bag overnight
  • It get's very cold and windy at night, so bring warm layers and a hat (even if it's 80 degrees in the day like it was for us)
  • Make your own bear hang- there is not one provided 
  • Stay on the trail- the area is fragile, especially the wetlands areas
  • BRING YOUR CAMERA- it's beautiful!!!

I hope this post has encouraged you to visit the Cutler Coast area and made planning your trip a little easier. I will post pictures as soon as I sort through them all.

Happy Trails, 
Backpacker Chick 

Hike New England- Cutler Coast
Backpacker Magazine- Cutler Coast