Friday, July 5, 2013

What is in my 15lbs Pack?

Hey Everyone!!

Me almost at the summit of Mt. Adams in the White Mountains, NH (5,799ft)
Backpacker Chick here.  Back with a blogging vengeance after a month of backpacking in New England. Today I wanted to write about my success cutting the weight of my pack in half.

Through a careful inventory of my gear and by buying ultralight products when necessary, I have gotten my pack-weight down to around 15lbs!!

I hope this list can serve as a guide for new backpackers learning what to carry with them on the trail and for experienced backpackers looking for ways to trim down their loads.  The links I provide are to the exact products I use.  I recommend everything I link to but please leave a comment if you want to know more about a particular product.

Here is EVERYTHING I carry in my pack:
  • Camping Gear:
    1. Ultralight Sleeping Bag (REI Ingeo 2lbs 1oz)
    2. Sleeping pad  (REI Stratus- 25oz)
    3. Tarp Tent & 6 stakes (GoLite Shangri-La 2 1lbs 9oz)
      • Only use bug net in high bug season
  • Cooking
    1. Ultralight Backpacking Stove (MSR Pocket Rocket
    2. Fuel
    3. Small Ultralight Pot (second-hand, brand unknown)
    4. Long Plastic Spoon (REI
      • Eat from pot and bring plastic bowel for +1
  • Essentials 
    1. Med Kit (Small)
    2. Head Lamp
    3. Travel Sized Sunscreen (put in lightweight bottle)
    4. Travel Sized Bug Repellent 
    5. Travel Toothbrush and Toothpaste
    6. Travel Brush (optional)
    7. Travel Sized Hand Sanitizer
    8. Bug Net 
    9. 2 Water Bottles
    10. Bandanas
    11. Water Purification Tablets
    12. Lethermen Folding Knife
  • Food
    • Travel sized and dehydrated options
    • Be smart, creative, and think "ultralight"
    • This requires an entire post to itself

Very Simple.  The rest is on my person.
Hope this helps and I welcome suggestions to lighten my load even more!

Happy Trails,
Backpacker Chick


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