Sunday, August 12, 2012


Hey All Back-Country Enthusiasts!
Welcome to my first blog post.

I decided to create this blog as I was hiking in the woods today because I realized there are a ton of back-country tricks I've picked up over time that might be sweet to share. I usually discovered these tricks by completely screwing something up along the way, or ending up in a lot of unnecessary pain.  My hope that this blog might save other hardcore backpacking ladies the trouble.

I also don't want to freak anyone out cause I made a "girls only" blog- it's defiantly not girls only, but many of the tricks I've learned might not be that helpful to the hardcore men out there. I also wanted to write this for woman because I visit a lot of backpacking blogs and websites, and while many of them are awesome and super helpful, there are few that are written by or for woman.

It is VERY important to note: while there are special accommodation's woman might make on the trail- this in no way means that the role of hardcore chicks is any less hardcore than the role of hardcore men while in the back country. In fact, one of the things I love about backpacking is that no one on the trail treats me "like a lady".  Everyone is expected to pull their own weight, and no one should expect to be supported by anyone else. While I am not going to freak out and punch someone if they offer me a hand carrying fire wood, it is important that I have the ability and anticipate doing EVERYTHING by myself. No Excuses. There is no men's work and woman's work; I carry just as much weight as anyone else, I navigate, cross rivers, get disgusting, set up camp, and haul serious ass if someone is hurt. So this blog is not meant to separate female hikers from male hikers, it's just simply meant to address special needs that come up in the back country for us ladies. Cool???

It's funny- when I think about the main differences between my boyfriend and I on the trail, it pretty much comes down to the fact that 1) I have a vagina, and 2) I have long hair. This blog will be about more than just hair and vaginas, but let me tell you, those two things are the first things to become disgusting when you haven't showered in weeks!!

Also, (super important) I AM NOT AN EXPERT!!!!!!!!
I am going to post my experiences and opinions. I am not a professional nor a veteran backpacker- I am just a young enthusiast who spends their summers sleeping outside in the mountains. Please feel free share your advice, corrections, disagreements, and questions.

Alright, lets get started!!!
Happy Trails,

Photo: Me in Ohiopyle State Park in PA- outside Pittsburgh, 2010.

1 comment:

  1. Stephanie-
    I LOVE your new blog! I'm looking forward to hearing your advice and adventures!

    My favorite piece of advice that was given to me by a woman who was seasoned backpacker from Alaska: baby wipes can be your best friend in the woods! I've found this to be incredibly true!

