Sunday, September 2, 2012

Tip # 3: Two Awesome Backcountry Female Essentials

Hey Everyone,
I thought I'd do a (right to the point) post about 2 products that have saved me pain and suffering while backpacking. And when I say pain, I am talking about the dreaded lady pain- which can really suck the fun out of back-country living if you don't know how it prevent it properly. So (caution men) here we go:

1) Bandanas
Now I thought this was gross when I first heard about it, but now I swear by it! Designate a bandana to use as your wipe when you go #1. This works wonders in preventing yeast infections, keeping your underwear dry, and making you feel less yicky. Urine is also 100% sterile, so I actually tie the bandana to my backpack to let it dry and rise it when I get to a stream. It also helps not to broadcast that your pee bandana is waving in everyone face (people tend to get grossed out by this) but it doesn't smell and no one will notice it otherwise.
IMPORTANT: Don't mix up your pee bandana with your other bandanas!!!!

2) Baby Wipes
Credit Lisa S. for reminding me about these because you really only need them on long trips (which I haven't taken in a while). Baby wipes are a quick and easy way to keep yourself clean when you can't take a shower and don't have access to TP.  I don't recommend actually using a baby wipe when you go to the bathroom but I've heard people say that they do. I am usually fine with leaves/sticks/rocks/etc. BUT..... after a couple of days, its nice to freshen up. I recommend buying the travel packs or putting some in a zip lock to save space.
IMPORTANT: Carry out what you carry in! There is nothing worse than encountering someones used baby wipes or toilet paper while on the trail- its bad for the environment and its just gross. Bring a small garbage bag to keep your small bio-hazardous waste in.

Hope this helps!
Happy Trails!


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